- This script is a mirror at University of Hamburg - Department of Biology - homepage: http://www.umass.edu/microbio/rasmol/index.html
Version 1.4 |
Development supported by the Division of Undergraduate Education
of the National Science Foundation. |
Download for faster/smoother operation.
If you have a copy of this tutorial on your computer's hard disk,
you can display it in Netscape without an Internet
Running the tutorial over the
Internet will be slow, therefore it is STRONGLY recommended
that you do download and run it locally when projecting to a class.
Improved versions of this tutorial and new animated tutorials will
be posted on the
Animated Tutorials Page
at the
RasMol Home Page,
or on the UMass Chime Resources
Version History
- February 19, 1998, version 1.4.
Added font size control.
- January 24, 1998, version 1.3.
Made compatible with Navigator 4.04 and Chime 2 under Windows 95..
- October 13, 1997, version 1.2. Questions added. Hydrophobic core
button added for Ig domain. Utilities now include white background
for printing. Disulfide bonds shown in Fab:lysozyme backbone.
- September 28, 1997, version 1.1. Added acknowledgements/sources
of PDB files.
September 27, 1997, version 1.0.
(adapted by Eric Martz
from the
RasMol "movie" script by Eric Martz, November 1995).
Feedback to
Eric Martz.