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Estimated Sizes of Plant Ribosomal RNA (T. A. DYER, 1982)

origin of the ribosomal RNA sedimentation constant size (molecular weight) number of the nucleotides
Cytosolic Ribosomes
large subunit
25 S
5,8 S
5 S
1,3 x 109*
5,07 x 104
3,84 x 104
small subunit
18 S
0,7 x 106
Ribosomes of Chloroplasts
large subunit
23 S
5 S
1,4 x 109 *
3,94 x 104
small subunit
16 S
0,56 x 106*
Mitochondrial Ribosomes
large subunit
24 S
5 S
1,12 - 1,26 x 106*
3,88 x104
3082 - 3470+
small subunit
18,5 S
0,69 - 0,78 x 106*
1800 - 2146+
*estimation is based on the velocity in an electric field.
High molecular RNA-fractions of Eschericia coli with molecular weights of 1.1 and 0.56 x 106 were chosen as reference values.
+ calculated from the molecular weights and referring to the 1541 nucleotides containing rRNA of Eschericia coli

© Peter v. Sengbusch - b-online@botanik.uni-hamburg.de