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Protected Areas GIS Data Sources

In a number of instances it has not been possible to obtain sufficient information to prepare a map depicting the boundaries of indvidual protected areas. In these cases, data maintained in the WCMC protected areas database has been used to identify sites by means of a point location. The following countries only include point data (with a few exceptions) and in many cases have no referenced sources:

Antigua and Barbuda
Christmas Island
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Heard and McDonald Islands
Norfolk Island
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bouvet Island
Canton and Enderbury Islands
Cape Verde
Czech Republic
Dronning Maud Land
Faroe Islands
French Guiana
French Polynesia
St. Pierre and Miquelon
Wallis and Futuna Islands
Germany, Federal Republic of
Iran, Islamic Republic of
Johnston Island
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Korea, Republic of
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic)
Micronesia (Federated States of)
Midway Islands
Moldova, Republic of
Netherlands Antilles
New Zealand
Cook Islands
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
Bouvet Island
Pacific Islands Trust Territory
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
San Marino
São Tomé and Principe
Saudi Arabia
Solomon Islands
South Africa
Syrian Arab Republic
Taiwan, Province of China
Turks and Caicos Islands
US Miscellaneous Pacific Islands
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
British Indian Ocean Territory
Falkland Is.
Hong Kong
St. Helena
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Is
Turks and Caicos Islands
American Samoa
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Virgin Islands (U.S.)
Vatican City State (Holy See)
Wake Island
Western Sahara

The following countries maintain boundary information and their sources are as follows:


Selected protected area boundaries have been transferred to ONC charts at 1:1,000,000 scale from maps in Guide des Parcs Nationaux d'Afrique - Afrique du Nord, Afrique de l'Ouest by B.Bousquet, Delachaux et Niestte, David Parret, ed. Neuchatel, Switzerland - Paris (1992), before being digitized.


Protected areas data were taken from the colour paper map Andorra (1987) by Govern, M.I. (Eds), published by Consellaria de Serveis Publics. The map is at a scale of 1:50,000 in Lambert Conical projection.


Protected areas were taken from a Russian map Angola (1987) at a scale of 1:2,500,000 and from an unsourced map compiled in 1982 at a scale of 1:6,000,000. No data have been made available for forest reserves.


Point data were derived from a dyeline 1:5,000,000 scale map Sistema Nacional de Areas Protegidas - República Argentina(1991), prepared by Rodolfo Burkart and Pedro Benavente at a scale of 1:5,000,000 (1991).


Protected areas for all states are taken from a published map Nature Conservation Reserves: Australia - 4th edition, public reserves of over 10 sq. km, January 1989. At a scale of 1:5,000,000 (simple conic projection) the source map was produced as part of the Australia 1:5 million Map Series produced by the Australian Surveying and Land Information Group (AUSLIG), Department of Administrative Services.


Protected area data were taken from unpublished maps (scale not indicated) by Mang, J. (1990) Evaluation of Austria's protected area system and IUCN's contribution to improve this system.


Protected areas have been largely derived from unpublished geographical data and published reports on file at WCMC :Blower, J.H. (1985) Sundarbans Forest Inventory Project,, Bangladesh, ODA, London; WRI (1990) Bangladesh Environment and Natural Resource Assessment, WRI, Washington, USA. Production forests have been taken from the map entitled Bangladesh 1984 Landsat Satellite Digital Mosaic Sheet 4, Forest Areas, published at a scale of 1:1,000,000 by UNDP/FA0 (1986). The map theoretically accompanies Field Document No. 12 Ecological Zones and Forestry in Bangladesh by J. Davidson, of the UNDP/FAO (Project BGD/79/017), with the assistance to the Forestry Sector (unseen). This source map, illustrating major forest cover types, is overlaid by legal forest reserve boundaries, illustrating that some of the reserves are no longer forested; these are depicted as production areas.

1996 Supplement:- WCMC protected area plots were edited by Mohammed Nuruzzaman, Assistant Chief Conservator of Forests, Office of the Conservator of Forests, Dhaka, Bangladesh, and Haroun Er Rashid, Bangladesh Poush (NGO).


Map data were compiled at a 1:350,000 scale by the Belize Center for Environmental Studies, Belize City, Belize. The Protected Lands of Belize (1992), was used to portray the protected areas and forest reserves of Belize. The Belize Center for Environmental Studies has also compiled a map (unseen), showing lands still under natural vegetation and national land that has been cleared for agriculture.


Protected areas for Benin are taken from a 1:600,000 scale map République Populaire du Benin (1984) published by the Institut Géographique National (France), portraying national parks, hunting zones and classified forests.


No published source map was available for Bhutan. The protected areas were derived from various geographical data on file at WCMC, particularly from a report entitled Nature Conservation in Bhutan - Project Findings and Recommendations prepared for the Royal Government of Bhutan by FAO, which is based on the work of Blower, J.H. (1986).

1996 Supplement:- Edits to WCMC digitised data was made by T. B. Mongar, of the Forestry Services Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Bhutan and the WWF Bhutan Programme. The edits were based on an A4 map of Protected Areas of Bhutan 1992.


Protected area data for Bolivia originate from a digital dataset covering several countries in Latin America, Latin American Protected Areas Dataset, Version 2 (1992), compiled and provided by the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, Colombia. The sources for these data have been generated from published and unpublished maps and reports provided directly by ministries or environmental NGO's in each country. The scale of digitising depended on the source map and varies from 1:20,000 to 1:5 million. The Bolivian data were based on Mapa de Cobertura y Uso Actual de la Tierra at a 1:4,000,000 scale. (No other details of the source map are known.)


Data for the forestry and wildlife sector of Botswana were digitised from a published map Republic of Botswana (1987) prepared by the Ministry of Local Government and Lands and from data in WCMC files.


Protected areas data were taken from two main sources, Governo do Estado do Amazonas (1985) and Secretaria de Merio Ambiente (1991), the former showing parks, forest and forest reserves.

Governo do Estado do Amazonas (1985). Estado do Amazonas, (1:2,500,000 scale, polyconic projection) Governo do Estado do Amazonas, Secretaria para Assuntos e projectos especiais, Instituto de terras e colonizacao do Amazonas.

Secretaria de Merio Ambiente (Secretary of the Environment), Acre Governo do Estado (1991) Areas de Protecao Ambiental Acre (Environmental Protection Areas), (1:1,000,000 scale, polyconic projection), Proservice Limited.

Brunei Darussalam

The distribution and areas of forest types were obtained from the Brunei Forest Resources and Strategic Planning Study, prepared by Anderson and Marsden (1988), consultants to the Forest Department. The distribution of forest reserves and national parks, managed by the forestry sector, were obtained from the same report. Data on conservation areas follow the existing classification of the Forestry Department, Brunei Darussalam. Four categories shown on the source map: 'Conservation Forest', 'Production Forest', 'Protection Forest' and 'Recreational Forest' have been digitised to provide the areas coverage.

Burkina Faso

Protected area data for both the forestry and wildlife sectors of Burkina Faso were digitised from a dyeline map at a scale of 1:1,000,000, entitled Burkina Faso - Formations Vegetales , prepared by the Ministère de l'environnement et du tourisme, Service de l'aménagement forestier. Three management classes are shown on the source map, namely: 'Forêt declassee', 'Parcs nationaux et Réserves de faune', and 'forêt classee'. The last two categories have been digitised.


Protected areas for Burundi were taken from a tourist map Burundi (1984), at a 1:250,000 scale, prepared by the Institut Géographique National-France, Paris, in collaboration with the Institut Géographique du Burundi, Bujumbura. The map was financed by Fonds d'Aide et de Coopération de la République Francaise (French Aid). The 'Forêt' category and 'Limite de parc ou réserve' were digitised from this map.


Protected areas for Cambodia were taken from an unpublished 1993 report, and transfered to Operational Navigation Charts Charts at 1:1,000,000 from which they were digitized.

1996 Supplement:- Protected areas data was hand drawn from reserve sheet maps onto Operational Navigation Charts, these were then digitized, checked and finally edited by David Ashwell, (IUCN Cambodia Programme) at Workshop 2, Bangkok, Thailand, January 1995.


Protected areas were taken from a tourist map Road Map of Cameroon (1988) at a scale of 1:1,500,000 (Lambert projection) published by Macmillan and from spatial data held within WCMC files. Areas for the forestry sector were digitised from a tracing supplied by the Forest Department of Cameroon (1991).


Spatial datasets of both Federal and Provincial protected areas were provided in a digital format (both sets of maps in geographic projection) by The National Atlas Information Service (1992). These were used to augment the existing WCMC database information.

Cayman Islands

Protected areas have been digitized from a 1:50,000 scale map Caynam Islands Visitors Map, published by the Ordnance Survey (1989), UK.


Protected areas for Chad were mainly digitised from a map République du Tchad - Carte Routière (1968) at a scale of 1:1,500,000, published in two sheets by the Institut Géographique National. Another map, Direction des Parcs Nationaux et Réserves de Faune and various geographical data held within WCMC files were also referred to.


Protected areas were digitised from a 1:2,000,000 scale dyeline map in 2 sheets - Mapa de Chile - Areas Silvestres Protegidas, prepared by the Ministerio de Agricultura, Corporacion Nacional Forestal (1989).

China, Peoples Republic of

Protected areas data were taken from a set of 22 maps at a scale of 1:750,000 provided by John MacKinnon. Thes maps were digitised as part of the Chinese Protected Areas project (IUCN). The set includes the following federal"provinces": Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Hei long jiang, Fugian, Xijiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu (2 copies), Shanxi (2 copies), Jinlin, Hebei (beijing, Tianjin), Guizhou, Zhejiang (Shanghai), Guang dong, Yunnan (2 copies), Anhui, Henan, Hubei, Liaoning, Jilin, and Shandong. Protected areas boundaries are hand-drawn onto base maps. Some were digitised using AutoCad then imported into ARC/INFO. Others were sketched onto Operational Navigational Charts (ONC) and digitised into ARC/INFO.

MacKinnon, J., Cheung, C., Mengsha, Ju Xiang and Menville, D. (1992) Biodiversity Review of China. (unknown publisher)

Naijing Institute of Environmental Sciences & Dept. of Nature Conservation, National EPA of China (1993). Nature Reserves of China (Part I) (scale 1:4,000,000), Science Press.

Naijing Institute of Environmental Sciences & Dept. of Nature Conservation, National EPA of China (1993). Nature Reserves of China (Part II) (scale 1:4,000,000), Science Press.

Yunnan Dept. of Survey (1985) Yunnan Transportation Map. (scale 1:4,000,00) Survey Press.


Protected areas were selected from a digital dataset covering several countries in Latin American Protected Areas Dataset, Version 2 (1992), provided by the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, Colombia. The Colombia data are based on a 1:1,500,000 scale map Mapa de Reservaciones, Permisos, Sustracciones, y Corporaciones Regionales. Reference was also made to a dyeline 1:1,500,000 scale map, República de Colombia -Areas del Sistema de Parques Nacionales, illustrating 'Parques Nacionales Naturales' and 'Santuarios de Fauna y Flora'. The source map was prepared by the Instituto Nacional de los Recursos Naturales Renovables y del Ambiente (INDERENA).


Protected areas were derived from a 1:1,000,000 scale map (Universal Transverse Mecator projection) Republique Populaire du Congo (1990) produced by Centre de Recherche Geographique et de Production Cartographic (CERGEC), Brazzaville and from spatial data held within files at WCMC.

Costa Rica

Spatial data for the protected areas of Costa Rica have been extracted from a 1:500,000 scale dyeline map Mapa de Areas Silvestres (1989), prepared by the Ministerio de Recursos Naturales, Energia y Mínas and Dirección General Forestal, Costa Rica. Additions and updates have been made to protected area boundaries from information carefully hand-drawn onto large 1:200,000 scale maps (Lambert projection) by Instituto Geográfico Nacional (1969) and published by Lithografiado por Instituto Geográfico Nacional. These were kindly made available to WCMC by the Servico de Parques Nacionales, Costa Rica and covered the following areas: Talamanca (CR2CM-8), Golfido (CR2CM-9), Barra del Colorado (CR2CM-3), Nicoya (CR2CM-4), San Jose (CR2CM-5), Limon (CR2CM-6), Quepos (CR2CM-7) and San Carlos (CR2CM-2).

Côte d'Ivoire

Protected areas and production forest reserves have been digitised from two sources, namely a dyeline 1:1,000,000 scale map (no title, no date) showing the delimitation of forest classes, which include conservation areas and forest reserves, and a 1:800,000 scale map Côte d'Ivoire (1988) published by Michelin, Paris showing national parks and reserves.


Protected areas data were taken from a printed map, with accompanying annotations for protected areas, (no date, no title) at a scale of 1:1,000,000. This was provided by Antonio Perera Puga (1991), of the Comisión Rectora del Gran Parque Nacional Sierra Maestra, Havana, Cuba. This is the most current map available.

Czech Republic

Point locations of National Nature Reserves, National Natural Monuments, Nature Reserves and National Monuments were taken from the 1:500,000 scale map Chranena Uzemi Priody Ceske (1993) published by Laket Cartography Computer Drawing.


Ramsar Sites were digitised from the 1:500,000 Scale map prepared by Geodetisk Institut, Denmark, 1983.


Forest reserves and national park boundaries of Dominica have been digitised from a published source map, Dominica, at a scale of 1:50,000 (1982). The map was prepared by the Directorate of Overseas Surveys (Government of the United Kingdom) with additional information from the Lands and Surveys Division, Dominica. Reference was also made to a larger scale map Lesser Antilles 1:25,000 - Dominica, published in 1978 by the Directorate of Overseas Surveys in two sheets. Forest reserve and national park boundaries shown on this map were supplied by Crown Surveyor, Dominica in 1976.

Dominican Republic

Boundary information for the protected areas of the Dominican Republic have been digitised from a published tourist map Mapa de la República Dominicana at a 1:672,000 scale. The source map only covers national parks.


Protected areas of Ecuador have been extracted from a published land use map República del Ecuador - Mapa Forestal (1991), showing boundaries for 'Parques Nacionales', 'Reservas' and 'Areas Nacionales de Recreación'. This map, at a scale of 1:1,000,000, was produced by the Centro de Levantamientos Integrados de Recursos Naturales por Sensores Remotos (CLIRSEN) and Subsecretaría Forestal (Dirección Nacional Forestal - DINAF). The Galapagos Archipelago is also portrayed on this source map.


Protected areas data were taken from 22 photocopes of the 1:1,000,000 scale map . The base map was compiled from the Survey of Egypt 1:100,000 and 1:500,000 series. Data for a limited number of protected areas has been taken from maps in Ras Mohammed National Park Sector Development Project: Definition of the Work Plan, July 1992, unpublished Report, Arab Republic of Egypt.

El Salvador

The protected areas of El Salvador were derived from a photocopy of an A3 map, Ubicación de Areas para el Establecimento de Parques Nacionales y Reservas Equivalentes en El Salvador (1987), published by the Departmento de Planes y Proyectos del Servicio Forestal and the Centro de Recursos Naturales, Servicio de Parques Nacionales y Vida Silvestre.

Equatorial Guinea

Spatial data for protected areas have been taken from various sketch maps and data on file at WCMC, and are based on a published work Conservación de los ecosistemas forestales de Guinea Ecuatorial, prepared by John Fa (1991) for IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.

Estonia, Republic of

Protected areas were taken from Nature Conservation in Estonia (1996) (no scale given) written and published by REGIO, LKU. The legend includes; National Parks, Nature Protection Areas, Protected Landscapes, Nature Parks and Planned Baltic Sea Protected Areas.


Protected areas have been extracted from various sources on file at WCMC. Forest reserves were kindly provided by Kidane Mengistu (1991) from the State Forest Conservation and Development Department, Ethiopia; boundaries of the reserves were hand drawn onto a set of ONC Charts (L-6, K-5, L-5), which were later digitised.


Protected areas, protection and production forests were digitised from an unpublished, hand-coloured, dyeline map Fiji Islands (1990), prepared by the Department of Forests, Fiji, at a scale of 1:750,000.


Finnish national parks were taken from a variety of national, regional and park specific sources outlined in the references below.

Finnish Forest and Park service (1995) Oulanka National Park, Finland (1:50,000 scale map), Finnish Forest and Park service, Helsinki.

Finnish Forest and Park service (1995) Finnish National Parks - 1995 (no scale given), Finnish Forest and Park service, Helsinki.

Finnish Forest Research Institute (n.d.) Pyhatunturi National Park (1:40,000 scale map), Finnish Forest Research Institute, Helsinki.

Ministry of Environment, Environment Protection Department (1993) Wilderness and Nature conservation Area in Northern Finland, Pohjaartta, Karttakeskus, Helsinki.


Protected areas were taken from two sources. Point locations were taken from Espaces Naturels Protégés by Partimoine Naturel due Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle (1996). This also includes inserts for Martinique, Guadeloupe, Guyane and Réunion. Protected areas for the Pyrennes region were taken from the 1:250,000 scale map by Le Minitere de L'Environement (1991), which shows the Grand ensembles Naturels: Zones de Types II, Secteurs d'Interet biologique remarquale: Zones de Type I, limite regional and limite departmentale.

Le Minitere de L'Environement (1991). Les Zones Naturelles d'interet Ecologique, Faunistique, Floristique de la region Midi-Pyrérées, (1:250,000 scale map), Le Minitere de L'Environement, Direction de la Protection de la Nature, Délégation à l'Environment Midi-Pyrérées.

Patrimoine Naturel (Institut d'Ecologie at de Gestion de la Biodiversité) due Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle (1996). Espaces Naturels Protégés, (1:1,500,000 scale map), Patrimoine Naturel due Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. ISBN 2-86515-096-8.


Spatial data for the protected areas of Gabon are from a 1:1,000,000 scale (Mecator projection) generalised published map Gabon (1987) which was prepared by the Institut Géographique National-France, Paris, in collaboration with the Institut National de Cartographie, Libreville. No data have been made available for the forest reserves of Gabon.


Protected areas for The Gambia are mapped from a 1:350,000 (c.) scale Tourist Information and Guide Map The Gambia (1987) showing forest and national parks and from and unpublished map (no title) (1980) showing forest parks as points, provided by the Forest Department of The Gambia.


Protected areas were drawn from a 1:1,000,000 scale (Mercator projection) unpublished map, Ghana (1989), showing district assembly areas and established protected areas prepared by the Town and Country Planning Department, Ghana. Forest reserves were derived from an unpublished dyeline Map of Forest Reserves in Ghana (1990) at a scale of 1:500,000, prepared by the Forestry Department, Ghana.


Protected areas were digitised from polygons, hand-drawn for the World Directory (1991). Also a base map at 1:1,000,000 scale, published by Hellenic Military Geographical service, 1985.


Data taken from a 1:5,000,000 scale map in the Kalaallit Nunaat - Atlas - Greenland (1990), Pilersuiffik.


Spatial information is derived from two main sources. Firstly a map published in an information leaflet, La Guadeloupe - Parc National. Guadeloupe, published by the Institut Géographique National (IGN) at a scale of 1:100,000 showing state forests which are fully protected. Secondly the Parc National de la Guadeloupe, another source published by IGN at 1:100,000 scale, depicts the central zone of Guadeloupe National Park, the inner core zone 'Zone de protection particulière' and the peripheral zone 'Zone périphérique du parc'.


Protected areas data taken from the National Parks Service (1988), Department of Parks and Recreation, 490 Chalan Palayso Road, Agana Heights, Agana, Guam 96910. In the Pacific, protected area data were taken from Statement For Management (1985), SPREP, Guam. In: Thomas, P.E.J. (Ed), Report of the Third South Pacific National Parks and Reserves Conference. Volume 111. Country Reviews. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. Pp 93-114


Boundary information for the protected areas of Guatemala originate from a regional map compiled by CATIE (Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza) and IUCN, entitled Areas Silvestres Protegidas de Centro América (1987), Costa Rica.


Protected areas of Guinea were digitised from a vegetation map which accompanies the report entitled Potentialités et Possibilités de Relance de l'Activité Forestière, CTFT/BDPA-SCET AGRI (1989); Synthèse Régionale et Nationale. This is a series of detailed maps covering each prefecture within Guinea. The land-use map, drawn by CTFT/BDPA-SCET AGRI in 1989 at a scale of 1:700,000 is a synthesis of work carried out in 1985 (south-east: forest zone) 1986 (west) and 1987 (centre and north-east: Upper Guinea). The land use data shown on this map are derived from 1979-80 aerial photography taken by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and updated using Landsat MSS 1984-1985-1986 imagery. Badiar National Park and Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve are also delimited by the CTFT/BDPA-SCET AGRI map as well as the classified forests.


The location of Kaieteur National Park was digitised from a sketch map Existing and Proposed Conservation Areas in Guyana, provided by the Guyana Forestry Commission (1991), and is adapted from Ramdass and Hanif (1990)(no title). Proposed areas are also portrayed on this source map. Locations of Amerindian land are available as part of a digital dataset covering several countries in Latin American Protected Areas Dataset. Version 2, provided by the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (1992), Colombia.


Boundary information for the protected areas of Honduras originate from a regional map compiled by CATIE (Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza) and IUCN, entitled Areas Silvestres Protegidas de Centro America (1987), Costa Rica. The 'Parque Nacional' and 'Refugio de Vida Silvestre' were selected.


Point locations of National Parks, Biosphere Reserves, Nature Conservation Areas and Landscape Protected Reserves were taken from the 1:500,000 scale map National Parks, Landscape Protection Reserves and Nature Conservation Areas in Hungary (1983).


Digital data received from UNEP GRID, Arundal, Norway.


Spatial data for the protected areas of India have been taken from a number of different sources. Most of the wildlife sector (all states of India, except Ladakh in Jammu & Kashmir, Maharashtra and Himachal Pradesh) has been digitised from a series of maps compiled by the Forest Survey of India (1982), Dehra Dun, entitled Assessment and Delineation of Forests Retaining Primary Characters. The source maps are at a scale of 1:2,000,000 (Lambert projection) and cover three main categories: 'wild life sanctuaries', 'national parks' and 'forests retaining their primary natural character'. Conservation areas for Ladakh (Jammu & Kashmir State) were digitised from two reports of the Department of Wildlife Protection, Jammu and Kashmir Government, entitled Ecology and Management of the Hemis National Park by Mallon, D.P. and Bacha, M.S. (1989) and An Ecological Survey of the Protected Area Network of Ladakh (1989) by Mallon, D.P. For Himachal Pradesh conservation areas were digitised from the map accompanying Management of National Parks and Sanctuaries in India - A Status Report by Kothari, A., Pande, P., Singh, S. and Variava, D. (1989), Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi. Conservation areas for Maharashtra State have been digitized from an A3 map National Parks and Sanctuaries in Maharashtra (no date) .

Data for the forestry sector were obtained from the Atlas of Forest Resources of India, Das Gupta, S.P. (ed.)(1976), Government of India, Calcutta. The forest polygons covering 'Reserved', Protected' and 'Unclassed' forest areas, have been digitised from fifteen different plates. Only 'Reserved' and 'Protected' forests are shown; they are not distinguished as information concerning any parts that have been allocated a protection or conservation function is not available.

1996 Supplement:- Protected areas were digitised from hand-drawn protected areas maps (1:1,000,000) by Vasumathi Sankaran, Indian Institute of Public Administration, India. These were based on protected areas data gathered from State Forest Departments of each Indian State. Revised by addition of extra reserves for which polygons were elsewhere available or by circles for other large areas still lacking boundary details.


Government of the Republic of Indonesia, Ministry of Transmigration, Directorate General of Settlement Preparation (1990). The Land Resources of Indonesia -a National Overview . ATLAS. Land Resources Department NRI, Overseas Development Administration Foreign and Commonwealth Office UK.

1996 Suplement:- Protected Areas data were taken from data produced by the Regional Physical Planning Programme for Transmigration (RePPProT) at a scale of 1:2,500,000. The data was compiled over a number of years, commencing in 1984. It was digitized by WCMC in 1989 for The Conservation Atlas of Tropical Forests - Asia and the Pacific. Parts of Sumatra, Kalimantan and Irian Jaya were revised on basis of newer plots of classified AVHRR data, provided by the TREES (TRopical Ecosystem Environment observations by Satellite) project.

Iran, Islamic Republic of

Protected areas were taken from the unpublished source Wildlife Parks, Protected and Restricted Regions of Iran, which lists 41 protected areas by name and point location. Further information was taken from a further unpublished source, Forest, Agriculture and High Country - Central Alborz - Protected Region.


Protected areas data for the Killarney National Park were taken from a map in the Office of Public Works, Ireland (1990) publication, which is based on Ordnance Survey, CAIRS catalogue no. A/N 8407.

Office of Public Works, Ireland (1990). Killarney National Park, Government of Ireland, Dublin.


Point locations for Italian protected areas were taken from Carta Delle Aree Protette in Italia (1991), a 1:1,500,000 map produced and published by Ministero Dell'Ambiente.


Protected areas were derived from spatial data held on file at WCMC. Forest reserves have been digitised from hand-drawn polygons on a 1:250,000 scale base map Jamaica.


Protected areas data specific to two sites were taken from reserve location and boundary maps in Zandri (1996) and from a 1:250 map contained within Al-Eisawi and Dawud, M.H. (1995).

Al-Eisawi & Dawud, M.H. (1995). Flora and vegetation of Azraq Wetland Reserve, The Azraq Oasis Conservation Project, Amman, Jordan. 78pp.

Zandri, E. (1996). Dana Nature Reserve Mangement Plan. Royal society for the Conservation of Nature, UNDP/World Bank GED Project for the Conservation of Dana Wetlands, Tafila, Jordon.

Lao People's Democratic Republic

The forest reserves of Laos (designated as conservation areas) have been digitised from a 1:1,000,000 scale dyeline map (initially prepared as an overlay of the forest type map used for planning purposes by the Lao/Swedish Forest Resources Conservation Project). There are numerous proposed 'forest areas' on this source map but only selected forest reserves have been included from this dataset, according to: Salter, R.E. and Phanthavong, B. (1989), Needs and Priorities for a Protected Area System in Lao PDR, Forest Resources Conservation Project, Lao/Swedish Forestry Cooperation Programme, Vientiane, Lao PDR; these are the only forest reserves that actually exist.

Latvia, Republic of

The national categories of protected areas, Natural Parks and Nature Reserves, were digitised from the 1:300,000 scale map Euro Regional Map of Latvia (1994), produced by GeoCenter International and published by RV Reise-und Verkehrsverlag, Stuttgart, Germany.


Existing and proposed protected areas are taken from an unpublished sketch map produced by the Forestry Development Authority National Forest and Parks (Liberia) at a scale of 1:2,000,000 and from spatial data held within files at WCMC.


Protected areas data were taken from the 1:25,000 scale map Inventar der Natyrvorrangflachen (inventory of Nature Areas) by Mario F. Broggi and published by Buro fur Umweltplanung.

Lithuania, Republic of

Protected areas data were taken from the 1:600,000 map Lithuania (1985) (publisher and author unknown). The map folder includes a list of protected areas written in Lithuanian.

Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of

Protected areas data were taken from the 1:100,000 scale map Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Programme CORINE/Project Land Cover by EC, CORINE, Ministre de l'Amengement du territoire et de l'environment and WALPHOT.


Protected areas are taken from a map series Carte de Madagascar in 12 sheets at a scale of 1:500,000 (1963), published by the Institut Géographique National, and from spatial data held within files at WCMC.


Protected areas have been extracted from a vegetation map published by the Government of Malawi (1979). The map entitled Malawi, is produced at a 1:1,000,000 scale, depicts the main conservation areas and four forest reserves. This information has been augmented with data digitised from an untitlied series of ten maps at a scale of 1:250,000 published by the Department of Surveys, Balantyre (1992)Sheets 5,6 and 7 were not availible at the time of digitizing however efforts will be made to acquire them.


Protected areas data is held for three areas within Malaysia; Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, their sources are as follows:

Peninsular Malaysia
Spatial data for protected areas and protection and production forests were extracted from Permanent Forest Estate Peninsular Malaysia, an unpublished, hand-coloured map at a scale of 1:750,000, updated to April 1988 and obtained from the Forest Depart-ment in Kuala Lumpur, and from data on file at the WCMC. Virgin jungle reserves have been derived from grid references held in the WCMC protected areas database.

The main source of forest cover data for Sabah is a full-colour 1:1,270,000 scale map Sabah Malaysia, Natural and Plantation Forests, published in 1989, Sabah Forestry Department. This map is a useful representation of the protected area system and the gazetted forests in the Permanent Forest Estate, but it gives no indication of the extent (if any) of additional natural stateland forests. On request, the Sabah Forest Department provided a hand-coloured c. 1:2,000,000 scale State of Sabah: Tree Crop Areas dated 1988. This second map distinguished stateland forests and showed some areas where they have been converted to agricultural tree crops, but the remaining extent of natural forests indicated was not reconcilable with the available statistics and it has been assumed that virtually all stateland forests have now been cleared. This dataset is therefore based only on the Sabah Malaysia, Natural and Plantation Forests map. Mangroves and rain forests were taken directly from this map, and montane forests were delimited from a 3000-ft (914-m) contour taken off JNC (Jet Navigation Chart) 54. Point data for the virgin jungle reserves have been derived from grid references held in the WCMC database and various miscellaneous sources have also been used.

The most recent published forest cover map for Sarawak is the Forest Distribution and Land Use Map published in 1979 at 1:1 million scale. Mangrove, swamp and other rain forests are conveniently demarcated on the map and the distribution of the montane forests conforms closely to the 3000-ft (914-m) contour used in Sabah. The distribution of the Permanent Forest Estate and the conservation area system are shown in two dyeline 1:1 milion scale hand-coloured maps from the Sarawak Forest Department, Permanent Forests in Sarawak (1979, updated in 1988) and Existing and Proposed National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries in Sarawak (1986). The protected areas and protected forests were extracted from these maps, with additional up-dates and additions for point data and for recent changes.


Selected site boundaries have been transfred to Operational Navigational Charts (ONC), at 1:1,000,000 scale, from maps in Guide des Parcs Nationaux d'Afrique - Afrique du Nord, Afrique de l'Ouest by B.Bousquet, Delachaux et Niestte, David Parret, ed. Neuchatel, Switzerland - Prais (1992) before being digitized.

Marshall Islands

Spatial data were extracted from materials on file at WCMC, notably, Thomas P.E. et al. (1989) Report of the Northern Marshall Islands Natural Diversity and Protected Areas Survey 7-22 September 1988 and the South Pacific Regional Environmental Programme, Noumea, New Caledonia.


Protected areas spatial data for Martinique were derived from a published map showing state forest boundaries and national park and nature reserve boundaries. Martinique (1987), published at a scale of 1:100,000, and prepared by the Institut Géographique National, Paris.


Protected areas are derived from a general map Mauritanie (1980) published at a scale of 1:2,500,000 by the Institut Géographique National, Paris, and from other spatial data held within WCMC files.


Protected areas are mapped from sketch maps held on file at WCMC.


Boundary information has been made available in digital format by Conservation International, (CI). The data has been published jointly by CI, The North American Wetlands Conservation Council, The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and SEDESOL, Secretaria de Desarrollo Social on a 1:3,800,000 scale map, Humedales de Mexico (1992).

Micronesia, Federated States of

Protected areas data were taken from the unpublished map The Federated States of Micronesia: natural resources and conservation map (1990). The map is produced at a scale of approximately 5cm to 10km by Micronesian Islands Conservation, Community College of Micronesia, PO Box 159, Pohnei, FSM 96941.


Protected areas were taken from an unpublished photocopied sketch map Mongolia's Established Protected Areas (no other information available), which included the names of protected areas by designations and point locations.


Selected protected boundaries have been transfred to Operational Navigation Charts (ONC) at 1:1,000,000 scale from maps in Guide des Parcs Nationaux d'Afrique - Afrique du Nord, Afrique de l'Ouest by B.Bousquet, Delachaux et Niestte, David Parret, ed. Neuchatel, Switzerland - Prais (1992) before being digitised.


Protected areas have been extracted from various sources on file at WCMC and from a published Russian map, Mozambique (1987) at a scale of 1:2,500,000.


Protected areas are taken from Salter, R.E. (1983), an unpublished report of the FAO Nature Conservation and National Parks Project, Field Document 7/83, FAO, Rangoon, Myanmar. No spatial data were made available for the forestry sector.


Protected areas for Namibia have been derived from a tourist map Namibia - Traveller's Map (no date), published by Macmillan at a scale of 1:2,400,000. Namib- Naukluft Park and Etosha National Park are also shown on this map as insets, mapped at a larger scale to show more detail. Point data are from geographical information held in the protected areas database of WCMC.

Detailed polygon boundaries for protected areas were taken from the 1:1,000,000 scale map Republic of Namibia (1994) produced and published by the Surveyor general of Namibia.


Spatial data for Nepal's protected areas were mainly digitised from a 1:750,000 scale published map Nepal (1984), produced by the Nepal Police Mountaineering and Adventure Foundation. Other data were extracted from sketch maps held on file at WCMC.

1996 Supplement:- Protected areas data was digitised from the map of National Protected Areas and Protected Areas of Nepal (1986) at 1:1,000,000 made by the Department of National Protected Areas and Wildlife Conservation (DNPCWC) with revisions of recent changes marked on maps during regional workshop I.

New Caledonia

Boundary information for the protected areas of New Caledonia were provided by the Association pour la Sauvegarde de la Nature Caladonienne, Noumea. The polygons had been hand drawn onto a tourist map Nouvelle Calédonie (1981) at a scale of 1:500,000 published by IGN (Institut Géographique National), Paris. No cartographic information for the forest reserves and mining areas of New Caledonia has been made available.


Conservation areas have been extracted from a dyeline map, published by the Instituto de Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales (IRENA). Nicaragua - Sistema Nacional de Areas Silvestres Protegidas (1992), compiled by the Servicio de Parques Nacionales, Managua, Nicaragua at a scale of 1:500,000, covers most of the areas depicted here.


Protected areas data have been provided by the Nigerian Conservation Foundation (1990) with additions from Julian Caldecott (pers. comm. 1991). Over 800 production forest reserves have been digitised from a published series of maps entitled, Vegetation and Land Use (1978), prepared for the Government of Nigeria, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Federal Department of Forestry, Lagos, by Hunting Technical Services Limited, Borehamwood, Herts, UK.

Northern Mariana Islands

Data were derived from the Commonwealth Code - Article XIV (Section 2) (1985).


Digital data (in geographic projection) were received from UNEP GRID, Arendal, Norway. There is only point data availabale for Svalbard, Jan Mayen Islands and Bouvet Island.


No boundary data have been made available for the protected areas of Pakistan. The point data for the managed areas are maintained in the protected areas database of WCMC and originate from various sources on file. The primary source being Review of the Protected Areas System of the Indomalayan Realm, a 1:1,000,000 scale map prepared by MacKinnon, J. (in prep.). This was based on 1980s and early 1990s AVHRR and Landsat data and existing reports and maps.

1996 Supplement:- Some protected area data taken from edits to plots made by National Council for Conservation of Wildlife, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Cooperatives. Others from state maps and individual reserve brochures.


Derived from data in reports by, Thomas P.E.. Holthus P.F. and Idechong N. (1985) Ngerukeurid Islands Wildlife Preserve Management Plan, South Pacific Regional Environmental Programme, Noumea, New Caledonia., The Ministry of Natrual Reserves, Koror.


Data for Panama have been digitised from a dyeline map which accompanies a report La Cobertura Boscosa de Panamá (1990), Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales Renovables (INRENARE). The map, showing 'Reservas Forestales' and 'Areas Silvestres Protegidas', has been prepared by the Oficina de Cartografía del Instituto Nacional de Recursos at a scale of 1:1 million.

Papua New Guinea

Protected areas have been mapped based on a Land Studies Centre Report, University of Papua New Guinea, entitled Wildlife Management Areas in Papua New Guinea, compiled by Peter Eaton (1986). Individual maps of the wildlife management areas are included as sketch maps in the source material; these are represented here either as polygons or points.

1996 Supplement:- Protected area data taken from edits to plots made by participants to the 3rd regional workshop, Bogor, Indonesia, 1995.


Polygon boundaries for the protected areas of Paraguay were derived from a 1:2,000,000 scale map, Republica del Paraguay, Areas Silvestres Protegidas, published in November 1993 by the Ministerio de Agricultura. In addition point sources have been extracted from data held on file at WCMC.


Spatial information of Peruvian protected areas was digitised from a dyeline map El Perú y sus Areas Naturales Protegidas (1991), prepared at a scale of 1:2,000,000 by the Fundación Peruana para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, Peru. Nine different designations are listed on the source map, with locations of 44 areas, including protection forests and national forests.


Polygon boundaries for the conservation areas of the Philippines were taken from an overlay which accompanies a map Forest Cover Map of the Philippine Islands, published in a Hand coloured dyeline sheet at 1:2,000,000 scale. The map is generalised from the original set at 1:50,000 scale and is accompanied by an extensive explanitory report published by the Forest Management Bureau (1998), and is the product of a collaboration between the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources and GTZ, the technical aid agency of Germany. The proposed protected areas system was digitized from an overlay of the same GTZ forest map. Point dataoriginate from georeferenced information in the protected areas database at WCMC and protection forests from a series of maps (nd) produced at a 1:250,000 scale by the National Mapping and Resource Inventory Authority (NAMRIA), Manila. The 'forest reserve' category has been digitized from this source map.

1996 Supplement:- Edits to Protected Areas plots were made by participants to 3rd regional workshop, Bogor, Indonesia, 1995; plus a PAWB map at 1:2,000,000 dated 17 May 1989.


Protected Areas data for Poland were taken from the 1:750,000 scale map, written in Polish and English, Polska Mapa Ochrony Pryzyrody - Conservation of Nature (1992). This map was produced by Instytut Ochrony Srodowiska and Polskie Przedseibiorstwo Wydawnictw Kartograficzynch and provided by Dr Janusz Radziejowksi, Deputy Director, Institute for Environmental protection, 5/11 Krucza Str., 00-548 Warsaw. The map includes National parks, Landscape Parks, Areas of Protective Landscapes and Clearings of Landscape Parks. Ohter individual map sources for specific protected areas are included in the references section.

Instytut Ochrony Srodowiska and Polskie Przedseibiorstwo Wydawnictw Kartograficzynch (1992) Polska Mapa Ochrony Pryzyrody - Conservation of Nature, (1:750,000 scale).

Polish Mapa turystyczna (1990). Wigierski Park Narodowy. (1:46,000 scale).

Polish. Mapa turystyczna (1987). Kampinoski Park Narodowy.(1:60,000 scale).

Polish Mapa Turystyczna (1982) Biesczcady (1:75,000 scale).

Polish Mapa turystyczna (1985) Karkonoski National Park. (1:30,000 scale).


Ramsar sites were digitized from official Ramsar maps drawn onto 1:3,000,000 road map of Portugal. Other protected areas data were taken from the computer generated map at 1:1,000,000 scale Areas Protegidas (1992), produced by Servico Nacional de Parques, Reservas e Conservacao da Natureza. This map identifies 5 protected area definitions and point locations

Puerto Rico

Polygon boundaries for the protected areas of Puerto Rico were digitized from a 1:249,000 scale map Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and St Croix (1978), published by Karto-Grafik, Germany. National parks of Puerto Rico were derived from a 1:294,000 scale map Puerto Rico (1987), published by Karto+Grafik, Germany.

Russian Federation

Data on strict Nature Reserves and State Game Management Reserves were digitised from the 1:4,000,000 Scale map, Protection of Nature in the USSR (1985), produced by Moscow State University. The boundary of the'Great Arctic' Strict Nature Reserve was taken from an unpublished paper by V. Nikiforov, Deputy Director, Great Arctic Reserve. The boundary of the Meshchera Wetland National Park was digitised by Gary Hill of the University of Hertfordshire from a 1:200,000 scale map Meshchera Wetland National Park. Data for the Lake Baikal region has been supplied by Dr.I. Lysenko of the Moscow State university. Digital polygon boundaries for Tunkinskogo NP, Pribaikalskogo NP and Dzerginsky zapovednik were prepared from the original large scale (1:500,000 scale Geographic projection) schemes from the Ministry of Nature Protection redrawn on the 1:1,000,000 scale map.


Spatial data for the forestry sector and wildlife sector in Rwanda were extracted from a published map République Rwandaise, Carte Administrative et Routière (nd), at a scale of 1:250,000, published by the Service de Cartographie, Kigali and financed by the Administration Belge de la Coopération au Développement. The 'Forêt naturelle' category on the source map has been digitised and mapped as the integral forest reserves and the boundaries of the conservation areas are delimited by the category 'Limite de parc national'.


Protected areas and forest reserves for Senegal were digitised from a 1:1,000,000 scale map Sénégal (1980), published by the Institut Géographique National(France) and from spatial data held within files at WCMC.

Sierra Leone

Most of the protected areas managed by the wildlife sector are mapped from a 1:950,000 (c. scale) map The Forest Estate (dated 31.3.1961), compiled by the Directorate of Overseas Surveys, showing forest reserves and protected forests with hand-drawn additions and updates from the Forestry Division, Freetown, and from spatial data held within files at the WCMC. Protection forests have been digitised from polygons hand-drawn onto a published vegetation map entitled Vegetation and Land Use of Sierra Leone at a scale of 1:500,000. The data were provided by Prince Palmer, Deputy Chief Conservator of Forests, Forestry Division, Freetown, Sierra Leone.


The point data for the protected areas of Singapore are maintained in the protected areas database of WCMC and originate from various sources on file.


Protected Areas data were taken from the 1:300,000 scale map Slovenija produced by Marko Zeovnik (publisher unknown).


Spatial data for protected areas have been taken from various sketch maps and data on file at WCMC.


Protected areas data for the Donana National park were taken from the 1:50,000 scale map, Donana National Park - guide map (1992), produced by Ministerio de Agricultura Pesca y Alimentacion and published by Instituto Geografico Nacional.

Sri Lanka

The protected areas of Sri Lanka are based on a published 1:500,000 scale map, Road Map of Sri Lanka - (2nd edition) (1984), prepared by the Survey Department, Sri Lanka, with updates and additions drawn onto the same map supplied by the Department of Wildlife Conservation (1990) and other geographical data held in WCMC files. Production and protection areas of the forestry sector were digitised from two unpublished dyeline maps, the Distribution of Protection and Production Natural Forests in Wet Zone and Montane Zone at a scale of 1:500,000 and National Forest Reserve Net Work in Sri Lanka (nd), prepared by the Working Plans and Inventory Branch of the Forest Department, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka. Conservation areas are also depicted on these source maps but were not used here.

1996 Supplement:- Edits to the protected areas plots were made by the participants of the 1st regional workshop, Nepal, November 1994. The boundary for Sinharaja was taken from data provided by the Forest Department.


Protected area data for the wildlife and forestry sectors of Sudan were gleaned from several different sources. Most of the conservation areas were digitised from a published Russian map of Sudan (1987) at a 1:4,000,000 scale showing the main national parks and the remainder from spatial data held in WCMC files. The production forest areas were digitised from a photocopy of a map Sudan - Location of Forest Projects and Forest Reserves prepared by the World Bank (1986).


Location and boundary data for Suriname's protected areas and were derived from the Suriname Planatlas - D1, Land Use and Concessions (1988), prepared by The National Planning Office of Suriname, Regional Development and Physical Planning Department. The category 'Nature reserve/park' was digitised. 'Protected forests' and 'recreational resorts' are also depicted on the source map but these were not included in this assessment as little was known about their origin or existence.


Data for game reserves and forest reserves has been digitized from a 1:250,000 scale topographic map Swaziland - (4th edition) (June 1988) published from data supplied by the Surveyor-General of Swaziland.


Protected areas data were taken from two 1:2,500,000 scale maps of unknown author and publisher, Areas of National Importance to Outdoor Recreation (Sweden) and Areas of National Importance to Nature Conservation (Sweden). Both maps appear to be from a report for which there is no information.

Tanzania, United Republic of

The system of protected areas and production forests of Tanzania has been extracted from a map published by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism at a scale of 1:2,000,000, Tanzania (1974). A complete digitised dataset of the forest reserves of Tanzania was provided by the Tanzania Wildlife Conservation Monitoring.


Locations of protected areas and forest reserves have been provided by the Royal Forest Department, Bangkok, Thailand. They are in the form of hand-coloured polygons distinguishing national parks and wildlife sanctuaries overlaid on to 1:500,000 scale Tactical Pilotage Charts (TPC) numbers J-10C, K-98, K-9C, K-1OA, L-1OA and J-11D. Details of proposed national parks and wildlife sanctuaries were also provided by the Royal Forest Department, in the form of generalised locations overlaid on to the 1:2,000,000 scale Thailand Road Map (1987) published by the Royal Thai Survey Department, Bangkok, Thailand. These have been digitised in the form of circles of an appropriate size.

1996 Supplement:- The general RFD Digital dataset was used to supplement existing WCMC protected areas data for recently designated sites.


Protected areas and production forests, managed by the forestry sector, were extracted from two maps: an unpublished blueline map Forêts Classées du Togo at a scale of 1:200,000 (nd) and a published map Togo (1977), produced by the Institut Géographique National at a 1:500,000 scale.


Protected areas data were derived from the Parks and Reserves Act (1976) and The Bird and Fish Preservation (Amendment) Act, 1974 (third Schedule)

Trinidad and Tobago

Spatial data were derived from two sources for Trinidad. The forest reserve boundaries were digitised from a published map of Trinidad Showing Forests and Related Areas - 3rd edition (1977), at a scale of 1:150,000. The map was prepared by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago. Protected areas, Conservation Areas and Forest Reserve boundaries were taken from the map Trinidad - National Parks and Other Protected Areas (1980), published at a 1:150,000 scale by the Forestry Division, Ministry of Agriculture Lands and Fisheries, Government of Trinidad and Tobago. Seven managed area categories are depicted on this source map.


Selected protected area boundaries have been transfred to OPerational Navigation Charts (ONC) at 1:1,000,000 scale from maps in Guide des Parcs Nationaux d'Afrique - Afrique du Nord, Afrique de l'Ouest (1992), by B.Bousquet, Delachaux et Niestte, David Parret, ed. Neuchatel, Switzerland - Prais, before being digitised.


Protected areas have been digitised from a 1:1,500,000 scale map Uganda Game Conservation, printed by the Department of Lands and Surveys, Entebbe, which is an extract from the Atlas of Uganda (1967). Production areas in the forestry sector have been taken from a sister map Uganda Forest Reserves (1967) from the same Atlas of Uganda (1967).

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Protected areas data were taken from two sources. Firtsly, Protected Areas in the United Kingdom (1990) published by the Countryside Commission. This lists and describes national designations, names and point locations for 281 protected areas in the United Kingdom. Secondly, boundary data for Sites of Speical Scientific Interest (SSSI) are in a digital format and available from English Nature. From this SSSI and other Statutory Sites in Cambrigeshire was used at a 1:150,000 scale.

United States

Digital Line Graph (D.G.L.) datasets, prepared by The United States Geological Survey (USGS), were used in conjunction with data existing within the WCMC protected areas database. For Alaska, Data was digitized from the Map E. 1:2,500,000 series of the USGS. Reference was also made to the National Geographic Society's Close Up: USA series, at various scales.

Hawaii data were taken from the Map of Hawaii by Bier J.A., published by The University Press of Hawaii. Also from the State of Hawaii Natural Area Reserves System, Biological Reserves and Management Priorities (1991), published by The Nature Conservancy Of Hawaii and Forestry and Wildlife, Department of Land and Natural Resources.


Protected areas of Vanuatu were digitised from a set of sketch maps annexed in a paper Country Review 13 entitled Vanuatu. These were taken from the Proceedings of the Fourth South Pacific Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas, Port Vila, Vanuatu, 4-12 September, 1989.


Protected areas have been scanned from a published map República de Venezuela - Areas Bajo Régimen de Administración Especial (1991), at a scale of c. 1:2,500,000 compiled by the Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables and Servicio Autónomo Forestal Venezolano. Areas have been comprehensively covered and categorised by 13 designations on this source map.

Viet Nam

Protected areas in both the forestry and other sectors were mapped from various unpublished sources held at WCMC including MacKinnon in litt. (an unpublished accurate hand drawn map) and Eames, J.C., Robson, C.R., Wolstencroft, J.A., Ngnyen Cu and Truong Van La (1988), Viet Nam Forest Project Pheasant Surveys; an unpublished report to the International Council for Bird Preservation, Cambridge, UK.

1996 Supplement:- Extensive edits to existing protected areas plots were made by regional workshop participants, later reviewed by John MacKinnon.

Virgin Islands (British)

Together with point data derived from georeferenced material held in the protected areas database at WCMC, a published map British Virgin Islands, showing national park boundaries, at a scale of 1:63,360, has been used to produce the map in this assessment. The source map was published by the Government of the United Kingdom (Directorate of Overseas Surveys) in 1982.

Western Samoa

Protected Areas data taken from Hollaway, D.C. and Floyd, C.E. A National Parks System for Western Samoa, UNDAT and Firth, N. and Darby, C. Environmental Planning for Tourism in Western Samoa /SPREP .


Protected areas spatial data have been taken from a published Russian map, Zaire (1987), at a scale of 1:2,500,000 (normal conic Projection), compiled by the Main Administration of Geodesy, Under the Council of Ministers of the USSR and from data within WCMC files.


Protected areas have been digitised from two published maps comprehensively depicting forest areas and gazetted under The Forests Act and national parks. Also from a photocopied sketch map indicating national parks and game management areas. The conservation areas managed by the wildlife sector were digitised from this sketch map and from the map Republic of Zambia (1986) at a scale of 1:1,500,000, published by the Surveyor General, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, Lusaka, showing national parks. The forestry sector was digitised from the map Republic of Zambia - Forest Estate (1988) at a scale of 1:1,500,000, published by the same authority mentioned above.


Spatial data for the wildlife and forestry sectors of Zimbabwe have been digitised from a map Zimbabwe - Relief, published by the Government of Zimbabwe at a scale of 1:1,000,000 and with additions of geographical data held within WCMC files.