Biology 107 Laboratory Schedule
Materials: available at UConn Coop
- Customized Biology Laboratory Manual. Vodopich & Moore. (1999) Wm. C. Brown.
- Surgical scissors with one blade blunt and one blade sharp.
- If desired, you may assemble or purchase a complete kit including: scalpel,probe, ruler as well as scissors.
Pages in Lab Manual
Sep. 3-10
Ex. 2: The Microscope: Basic Skills of Light Microscopy.
Ex. 4: Solutions, Acids, and Bases.pp. 9 - 2
pp. 37 - 40
Sep. 13-17
Ex. 6: Separating Organic Compounds – Column Chromatography.
Ex. 7: Spectrophotometry (chlorophyll optional)pp. 55 — 57
pp. 65 - 74
Sep. 20-24
Ex. 10: Enzymes
pp. 97 - 108
Sep. 27 - Oct. 1
Ex. 3: The Cell
pp. 23 - 36
Oct. 4-8
Ex. 8: Diffusion and Osmosis
Ex. 9: Cellular Membranespp. 75 — 88
pp. 89 — 95Oct. 12-15
Ex. 13: Mitosis
Ex. 14: MeiosisNote: Monday Labs meet as follows
Section 01 meet Thurs Oct. 14, 6-9 p.m.
Section 02 meet Friday Oct. 15, 1:15-4:15 p.m.pp. 133 - 141
pp. 143 - 152Oct. 18-22
Ex. 6: Separating Organic Compounds – Gel Electrophoresis
Ex. 15: Molecular Biology and Biotechnologypp. 59 -64
pp. 153 - 160Oct. 25-29
Ex. 40 (6-11): Animal Tissues (connective, bone, muscle)
Ex. 41: Human Biology: The Human Skeletal System
Ex. 42: Human Biology: Muscles and Muscle Contractionpp. 428 — 433
pp. 437 — 440
pp. 441 - 448Nov. 1-5
Note: starting today, bring your surgical scissors to every lab.
Ex. 40 (1-5): Animal Tissues (epithelia, glands)
Ex. 46: Vertebrate Anatomy: External (rat)
Ex. 47: Vertebrate Anatomy: Internal Organs (rat)pp. 423 - 427
pp. 479 — 485
pp. 487 - 493Nov. 8-12
Ex. 40 (11-12): Animal Tissues (smooth, cardiac muscle)
Ex. 48: Vertebrate Anatomy: Urogenital and Circulatorypp. 433 - 434
pp. 495 - 505Nov. 15-19
Ex. 40 (5-6): Animal Tissues (blood cells)
Ex. 43 (1-3, 8): Human Biology: Breathing
Ex. 44 (1-7): Human Biology: Circulation and Blood Pressure
ECG, Blood Typing exercisespp. 427 - 428
pp. 449 — 452, 456
pp. 457 - 463Nov. 22-26
NO LABS (Thanksgiving Week)
Nov. 29 — Dec. 3
Ex. 40 (12): Animal Tissues (neurons)
Ex. 45: Human Biology: Sensory Perception
Lab topic 29: Investigating Nervous and Sensory Systems (anatomy)p. 434
pp. 469 - 478
pp. 431- 438Dec. 6-10
Practical Exam. Anatomy & Physiology
Dec. 13-14
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