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Clusiaceae (Guttiferae)

Dilleniidae: Theales. The Clusiaceae are trees or shrubs, usually with milky or colored sap, comprising about 50 genera and 1200 species. The leaves are simple and are opposite, whorled, or rarely alternate. Stipules are absent. The flowers are actinomorphic and are usually functionally unisexual. The perianth consists of a calyx of 2-10 imbricated, often decussate sepals and 4-12 petals. The stamens are generally numerous and are distinct or variously united. The gynoecium consists of a single compound pistil of 3-5 or more carpels, an equal number of stigmas, and a superior ovary of 3-5 or more locules, each containing 1-many axile ovules. The fruit is usually a capsule or berry.

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Calophyllum inophyllum, Kamani. The floral buds show some hint of the imbricate sepals, while the open flowers reveal petals, fascicled yellow stamens in five bundles, and pistils with pink ovaries. Although unisexual flowers predominate in the woody, tropical members of the family, these are apparently an exception.
Clusia rosea, autograph tree. The pink, imbricated and decussate sepals are seen from the back side of this flower. The petals are white and very showy. A sectioned fruit on the left (lower photo) shows the bright yellow sap found in this species. The fruit on the right has not been cut. Its mode of dehiscence is that of a septicidal capsule.
Hypericum calycinum. This temperate representative of the family lacks a milky or brightly colored latex and has bisexual flowers. However, the floral details are otherwise typical for the family.

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