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 Callitris oblonga A. Rich. & Rich.

Common Names

Pigmy cypress-pine.

Taxonomic notes

Syn: C. fructicosa, C. gunni (1).


Tree: Small tree (2).
Leaves: Usually 4-5 mm long (2).
Cones: Solitary or in dense clusters on the branches; sessile or on short fruiting branchlets, remaining after maturity; ovoid, 12-15 mm in diameter × 15-20 mm long (2).
Cone scales: Thick, tapering above to an apex usually thickened by a short dorsal point, the alternate scales very much reduced; columella short, often 3-lobed (2).


Australia: NSW & Tasmania. "Usually grows in sand near banks of streams; scattered along the escarpment, rare in N.S.W." (2).

Big Tree






This species is currently listed on the index of threatened Australian plant species.


(1) Silba 1986.
(2) Harden 1990.

See also:
Anon. 1996. South Esk Pine success. [reports on a project to re-establish the nationally vulnerable tree on a private property on the east coast of Tasmania] Threatened Species Network (Tasmania) Bulletin no. 8:2.
Askey-Doran, M.J. 1994. Callitris spp. aff. oblonga Apsley River Community Recovery Plan. Project No. 376 ; Endangered Species Program (Australia), Wildlife Report (Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service, 94/5). Hobart: Tasmania Department of Environment and Land Management.
Harris, S. and J.B. Kirkpatrick. 1991. The distribution, dynamics and ecological differentiation of Callitris species in Tasmania. Australian Journal of Botany 39(3):187-202.
Kirkpatrick, J.B., M.J. Brown and A. Moscal. 1980. Callitris oblonga. P.20-21 in J.B. Kirkpatrick, M.J. Brown and A. Moscal, Threatened Plants of the Tasmanian Central East Coast. Hobart: Tasmanian Conservation Trust.
Nadolny, C. and J. Benson. 1993. The Biology and Management of the Pigmy Cypress Pine (Callitris oblonga) in New South Wales. Species Management Report No. 7. Sydney: New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service.

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This page is from the Gymnosperm Database
URL: http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/2285/cu/call/oblonga.htm
Edited by Christopher J. Earle
Last modified on 7-Feb-1999