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Juniperus thurifera Linnaeus

Common Names

Genévrier thurifère (2).

Taxonomic notes



Spain, France, Algeria (1). See (2) for details, a map, and photos showing habitat. In the High Atlas Mountains of Algeria, it is the only tree species at the upper tree line (about 2500 m, with isolated specimens found above 3000 m). At the lowest altitudes, Quercus ilex is generally associated with J. thurifera. In the Middle Atlas mountains, J. thurifera is often associated with Cedrus atlantica (3).

Big Tree

An individual 19 m tall with a girth (due to its multistemmed form) of 16 m, photograph in (2), located in the Middle Atlas, near the "Col du Zad," about 50km N of Ifrane (3).


Ongoing dendrochronological research (2) has not yet established precise ages, but the maximum is probably more than 500 years (3).


See (2) for information on ongoing research.


Extensive remarks in (2).


Not seen. See (2) for clues on where to find native specimens. Several stands occur in the High and Middle Atlas mountains (3).



(1) Silba 1986.
(2) Le Genévrier thurifère website. URL: http://www.multimania.com/thurifere/, last accessed 15-Apr-1999.
(3) E-mail communication, 5-Mar-1998, from Nicolas Montés, keeper of the website listed above.

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This page is from the Gymnosperm Database
URL: http://www.geocities.com/~earlecj/cu/ju/thurifera.htm
Edited by Christopher J. Earle
Last modified on 15-Apr-1999