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Keteleeria davidiana var. formosana Hayata 1908

Common Names

Taxonomic notes

Syn: K. formosana Hayata (1), K. davidiana sensu Matsuma & Hayata 1906 (2).


"A very large tree, up to 35 m high and 2.5 m in diameter, the bark dark gray, irregularly furrowed the young branchlets short-pilose or glabrous. Leaves flat, linear, 2-4 cm long 3-4 mm broad, keeled on both surfaces, the apex acute to obtuse or emarginate, the margins more or less revolute. Mature cones solitary, erect, cylindric-oblong, 5-15 cm long, 4-4.5 cm in diameter, greenish while young, of pale chestnut color when mature. Seeds about 1 cm long, the wing as long as or longer than the seed" (2).


Taiwan: 300-600 m in the extreme north, 500-900 m in other areas, usually in association with broad-leaved trees in open settings. Now relatively scarce (2).

Big Tree

Height 35 m, dbh 2.5 m (2).





Not seen. Described collection locales (3) include:
Taroko National Park, en route from Hsinpiyang to Pilu, 1500-2050 m.
Keteleeria davidiana var. formosana protected area, 200-380 m.
Taipei Xian: Pinglin Xiang: Taiyuku, en route from Chinkualiaohsi (stream) to Keteleeria davidiana Preserve, 210-350 m.

Taroko National Park looks like an interesting place to see it.



(1) Cheng & Fu 1987.
(2) Li 1975.
(3) Botanical Inventory Of Taiwan.

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This page is from the Gymnosperm Database
URL: http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/2285/pi/ke/formosana.htm
Edited by Christopher J. Earle
Last modified on 19-Dec-98