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 Keteleeria fortunei (A. Murray) Carrière

Common Names

Taxonomic notes

Syn: K. cyclolepis; K. oblonga (1); Abies fortunei A. Murray; Abietia fortunei Kent. (2).


"A tree [24 m] high in China, with corky bark and the habit of a Lebanon cedar. BRANCHES horizontal and spreading. BRANCHLETS orange-red, young shoots slender, with scattered hairs. BUDS ovoid, rounded at the apex, with numerous keeled scales. LEAVES of young trees linear, stiff, [2.5-3 cm] long, with spiny tips. LEAVES of mature trees [12-31 mm] long, rounded or shortly pointed at the apex. CONES cylindrical, [10-18 cm] long, [3-5 cm] wide (or [7.5 cm] wide when expanded), on stout, hairy stalks about [2.5 cm] long, purple or brownish when mature; scales larger and broader at the apex than K. davidiana, the widest part (about [3 cm]) being above the middle, the upper margin rounded and slightly toothed. SEED about [2 cm] long, with a wing [3 cm] in. long, both seed and wing larger than in K. davidiana, bright glossy brown in colour, the seed greyish beneath" (2).


China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Zhejiang); Hong Kong; Viet Nam (5). In S China, found in mountains near Fuzhou, where it was seen by Fortune in 1844, who distributed seeds and accounted for the eponymous epithet (2).

Big Tree






This species is listed as "Lower Risk, near threatened" on the World Conservation Monitoring Centre - Trees database (5).


(1) Silba 1986.
(2) Dallimore & Jackson 1967.
(3) Farjon 1989.
(4) Farjon 1990.
(5) World Conservation Monitoring Centre - Trees database, accessed 1-Oct-1998.

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This page is from the Gymnosperm Database
URL: http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/2285/pi/ke/fortunei.htm
Edited by Christopher J. Earle
Last modified on 18-Jan-1999