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Distribution of T. caroliniana Data from (4, 5). Adapted from a map by
Microsoft Expedia Maps
Tsuga caroliniana Engelmann 1881

Common Names

Carolina hemlock (2).

Taxonomic notes


Trees to 30 m; trunk to 200 cm dbh; crown conic. Bark brown, scaly and fissured. Twigs light brown, thinly covered with short, dark hairs. Buds oblong, 2-3 mm. Leaves 10-20 mm, mostly spreading in all directions from twigs, flat but slightly revolute; abaxial surface glaucous, with 2 broad, conspicuous stomatal bands, adaxial surface shiny green; margins entire. Seed cones ovoid to oblong, 2.5-4 × 1.5-2.5 cm; scales oblong, 12-18 × 8-12 mm, bases clawed, apex rounded. 2n=24 (2).


USA: Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia at 700-1200 m elevation. Habitat, rocky mountain slopes (2).

Big Tree

Diameter 112 cm, height 27 m, crown spread 16.5 m, in Burke County, NC (3).



About 6 studies have been published (Feb-1999), mostly of a descriptive nature or ecological overviews. Probably due to its limited distribution, it has seen far less use than T. canadensis.


An attractive ornamental; a number of cultivars have been developed. The wood is of little commercial importance because of the combination of mediocre quality and the relative rarity of the species in nature (2).




(1) Silba 1986.
(2) Taylor, Ronald J. at the Flora of North America web site.
(3) American Forests 1996.
(4) Little 1980.
(5) Elias 1987.

See also:
Farjon 1990.
James, R.L. 1959. Carolina hemlock - wild and cultivated. Castanea 24: 112-134.

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This page is from the Gymnosperm Database
URL: http://www.geocities.com/~earlecj/pi/ts/caroliniana.htm
Edited by Christopher J. Earle
Last modified on 7-Mar-1999